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All items (881)
- USS Acheron
- USS Administrator
- Aircar
- IKC Aktuh
- USS Alexander Jackson
- USS Alexandria (24th century)
- CDS Alkar
- USS Allegiance (23rd century)
- IKS Alliance
- Ambassador Hardin class
- Amethyst class
- Andor class
- Antares class (freighter)
- Anton class
- USS Anzio
- Apollo class
- Aquarius class
- KL Arakkab
- Archimedes (Enterprise-E)
- Archon class
- RIS Arest
- Argo (buggy)
- ChR Ar'kalid
- CDS Ashell
- USS Aspire
- Assimilation Target Prime
- IRW Avatar of Tomed
- USS Bacchus (NCC-26288)
- IKS BaHwil'
- Baker class
- CDS Baknab
- Bak'rikan
- Hebitia (mirror)
- SS Banana Republic
- USS Barclay
- Battlehawk class
- USS Belleau Wood (23rd century)
- Benzar smuggler
- ISS Betrayer
- ISS Blackguard
- IKV Blue Fire
- Booker's ship
- Borg fusion cube
- Borg rectangle
- Borg scout
- Bozeman class
- ChR Brak'makh
- USS Breedlove
- Brendob class
- Bronta class
- Cabot class
- Cardassian colony ship
- Cardassian construction ship (2370s)
- Cardassian repair ship
- USS Carinae V
- USS Carmichael
- Carrier
- USS Caspian
- Catarr starship
- Celestial class
- USS Ceres (NCC-26290)
- IKS Chak'ta
- USS Challenger II
- USS Chicago (NCC-2738)
- Chimera class (destroyer)
- IKS Chonnaq
- IKS Chorbog
- Chris Pike (Enterprise-E shuttle)
- Clarke class
- Cle Dan class
- Cleponji
- USS Cluster
- USS Cochrane (NCC-86516)
- USS Concord (NCC-68711)
- Condor class (dreadnought)
- Continent class
- USS Courage
- USS Courageous (Nebula class)
- USS Crater
- USS Crommalen
- Cube 384
- D3 class (Klingon)
- Dante (workbee)
- USS Daran V
- USS Daring (NCC-1872)
- Darzun patrol ship
- USS Dauntless (NCC-80816)
- IKV Death Hand
- Death Valley (shuttlecraft)
- IKV Deathless Glory
- ISS Deceiver
- RIS Defender