Star Trek: The Original Series novels.
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All items (227)
- Cadet Kirk
- Captain to Captain
- Captain's Blood
- The Captain's Daughter
- Captain's Glory
- The Captain's Oath
- Captain's Peril
- The Case of the Colonist's Corpse
- Cast No Shadow
- The Centre Cannot Hold
- Chain of Attack
- Challenger (novel)
- Child of Two Worlds
- The Children of Kings
- A Choice of Catastrophes
- Cloak (novel)
- Constitution (novel)
- A Contest of Principles
- Corona (novel)
- The Covenant of the Crown
- Crisis of Consciousness
- Crisis on Centaurus
- Crisis on Vulcan
- Crossroad
- The Cry of the Onlies
- The Face of the Unknown
- Faces of Fire
- The Fate of the Phoenix
- The Fearful Summons
- Final Frontier
- The Final Nexus
- The Final Reflection
- The Fire and the Rose
- Firestorm
- The First Artifact
- First Frontier
- First Strike
- A Flag Full of Stars
- The Flaming Arrow
- The Folded World
- Foul Deeds Will Rise
- From History's Shadow
- From the Depths
- Future Imperfect (novel)
- The Pandora Principle
- Past Prologue (novel)
- The Patrian Transgression
- Pawns and Symbols
- Perry's Planet
- Phaser Fight
- Planet of Judgment
- Present Tense
- Preserver (novel)
- The Price of the Phoenix
- Prime Directive (novel)
- The Prisoner of Vega
- Probe (novel)
- The Prometheus Design
- Provenance of Shadows
- Purgatory's Key
- Sacrifices of War
- Sanctuary (novel)
- Sarek (novel)
- Savage Trade
- Seasons of Light and Darkness
- Seeds of Rage
- Serpents in the Garden
- Shadow Lord
- Shadows on the Sun
- Shell Game (novel)
- The Shocks of Adversity
- The Sorrows of Empire
- Spock Must Die!
- Spock's World
- Spock, Messiah!
- The Star to Every Wandering
- The Starless World
- The Starship Trap
- Strangers from the Sky
- Swordhunt