A caterpillar was the larval form of a butterfly.
History and specifics[]
A caterpillar metamorphosed into a butterfly in a cocoon called a chrysalis. The Chrysalis Project was named after this. (ST - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)
Darco Bulast's eyebrows looked to Captain Rachel Garrett like two furry caterpillars. (TLE novel: Well of Souls) Captain David Gold's bushy black eyebrows looked like caterpillars. (SCE eBook: Hard Crash)
The Caterpillar was a character in Alice in Wonderland. (VOY novel: Marooned)
- DS9 novel: Fallen Heroes
- TNG novel: Gemworld, Book Two of Two
- ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Die
- TOS novel: Triangle
- TOS novel: The Wounded Sky
- TOS novel: Killing Time
- TOS novel: Dreams of the Raven
- TOS novel: From the Depths
- TOS novel: Best Destiny
- TOS novel: Ex Machina
- ST - Tales of the Dominion War short story: "Mirror Eyes"
- ST - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1
- ST - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2
- TLE novel: Well of Souls
- SCE eBook: Hard Crash
- SCE eBook: Enigma Ship
External links[]
- Caterpillar article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Caterpillar article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.