A cave or cavern is a large open underground space.
History and specifics[]
In 2266, a USS Enterprise landing party on K-G rested in a cave after escaping from the hostile native plants. (TOS comic: "The Planet of No Return")
In 2267, pirate captain Ben Cannon took up residence in a cave on Taos IV when he was stranded there by his own men. (TOS comic: "The Flight of the Buccaneer")
On a planet in Galaxy Zekbran, an Enterprise landing party took shelter in a cave from the Trann natives who were firing at them. (TOS comic: "The Youth Trap")
In the 2260s, Doctor Rycho maintained a group of Mortard robot servants in an underground complex within a cave on Raylo. (TOS comic: "Rescue at Raylo")
Caves of note[]
External links[]
- Cave article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Cave article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.