Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Truntis.

The ChR Truntis was a Romulan Vas'deletham-class class XII cruiser starship in service of the Star Empire's Star Navy in the 23rd century. (ST video game: Legacy)

No specific history or definitive final fate was established for this vessel as its name was selected for a cruiser by the Legacy game developers, and is sometimes placed randomly when the ship appears.
Ships named Truntis
ChR Truntis (Hathos-class)ChR Truntis (Battlehawk-class)ChR Truntis (Swiftwing-class)ChR Truntis (22nd century bird-of-prey)ChR Truntis (Swarm-class)ChR Truntis (Skyhawk-class)ChR Truntis (D7-class)ChR Truntis (K't'inga-class)ChR Truntis (Vas'deletham-class)ChR Truntis (Heavy Defender-class)ChR Truntis (Vengeance-class)ChR Truntis (Gryphon-class)ChR Truntis (Vas Hatham-class)ChR Truntis (Praetor-class)ChR Truntis (Aye Mosaram-class)RIS Truntis (Harpy-class)IRW Truntis (D'deridex-class) • RIS Truntis (Raptor-class)RIS Truntis (Lanora-class)RIS Truntis (Griffin-class) Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.
Vas'deletham-class starships
Brak'enD'soriaD'tervikJoranLubatoMarucciusMenteniusMuniaNarrocianOpaliusPesaniusPolaSapotiusSetroSolusStratoTovarekTruntisVeloshVrenek Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire.