- For other uses, see Chimera.
The Chimera-class was a type of Federation fast frigate starship in Starfleet service in the 24th century. (ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia, Last Unicorn RPG module: The Price of Freedom)
Known vessels[]
- USS Portland (NCC-57418)
The ebook Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 1: The Ships of Starfleet, published by Last Unicorn Games after losing their license, identifies the Chimera-class as having entered service in 2366. It also lists several Chimera-class vessels including the USS Chimera (NCC-71653), USS Ta'verat (NCC-71777) and the USS Janeng (NCC-73469).
The later unlicensed publication, The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon, also includes the USS Hephaestos (NCC-73469) as being a Chimera-class vessel.