Chiron Beta was a star system, located in Sierra sector of the Alpha Centauri sector block in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.
History and specifics[]
The Chiron Beta system's orbit was the location of a planetary system, including prime planet Chiron Beta Prime. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)
It is located in Sector Chiron of the Kridnar Navigation Block and was classified as a K3 star with an absolute magnitude of 6.7. It had hosted a system of 7 planets, none of which had been confirmed to be inhabited. (TNG video game: A Final Unity)
System makeup[]
- Chiron Beta system primary star
- Chiron Beta Prime
- Chiron Beta I
- Chiron Beta II
- Chiron Beta III
- Chiron Beta IIIa
- Chiron Beta IV
- Chiron Beta IVa
- Chiron Beta IVb
- Chiron Beta V
- Chiron Beta Va
- Chiron Beta VI
- Chiron Beta VIa
- Chiron Beta VII