A college is a type of institute of higher learning. It offers four-year degree programs on a variety of subject matter. A group of colleges are often united under one academy or university.
In such an institution, students were exposed to a variety of viewpoints and philosophies. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
Students in colleges on Earth were first taught how to learn. (TOS - Fortunes of War novel: Dreadnought!)
Earth colleges were attended by diverse groups from many worlds. (DSC novel: Drastic Measures)
Neural imprinting was a technique intended to upload a college education into a Human brain within a span of hours, but it was risky. (TNG novel: Debtor's Planet)
List of colleges[]
United Federation of Planets[]
- Earth/Luna
- Amherst College
- Bard College
- Copernicus City medical college
- Credenhill war college
- Keynes College
- Old Royal Naval College
- St. Edward's College
- Trinity College
- United Earth College of Surgeons
- William and Mary College
- Starfleet Academy
- College of Humanities
- College of Science
- Starfleet Command College
- Starfleet Medical College
- Starfleet Command Staff College
- Starfleet War College
- Miscellaneous
- Braniian College (Eminiar VII)
- Diplomatic College
- Interstellar College of Xenomedicine
- Makropyrios College of Political Science
- Peliar Zel military college
- Hakon agricultural college
Klingon Empire[]
Romulan Star Empire[]
Mirror Universe[]
- Security College
- Sidau College of Physics (Bajor)
- See also: university
- TNG episode: "Face of the Enemy"
- TOS novel: How Much for Just the Planet?
- TOS novel: The Wounded Sky
- TOS novel: The Final Reflection
- TOS novel: Planet of Judgment
- TOS novel: The Great Starship Race
- TOS novel: Federation
- TOS - Rihannsu novel: The Empty Chair
- TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt
- TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows
- TOS novella: The Gemini Agent
- TOS novella: The Delta Anomaly
- TOS comic: "Debt of Honor"
- TNG novel: Balance of Power
- TNG novel: Reunion
- TNG novel: The Genesis Wave, Book 1
- DS9 novel: Force and Motion
- DS9 novel: Warpath
- DSC novel: Fear Itself
- STO novel: The Needs of the Many
- DTI novel: Watching the Clock
- SCE novel: Creative Couplings
- TTN novel: Taking Wing
- ST novel: Vulcan's Heart
- ST - Vulcan's Soul novel: Epiphany
- ST - Myriad Universes novel: The Sorrows of Empire
- ST - Myriad Universes novelization: The Tears of Eridanus
- ST - Destiny novel: Gods of Night
- FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update
- FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual
- LUG RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Core Game Book
- TNG video game: Birth of the Federation