In an alternate timeline created by Q by changing Earth history in 2024, the Confederation of Earth was an interstellar nation-state, a fascist and authoritarian state dominated by Humans. (PIC episode: "Penance")
System of government[]
The head of government was the President of the Confederation of Earth. In the 2400s decade, Annika Hansen served as Confederation president.
The government also included magistrates. In 2401, one magistrate was President Hansen's husband. (PIC episode: "Penance")
The Confederation Corps used an army-based rank system. General Jean-Luc Picard was a renowned military leader. The large combadge worn on the black and grey uniforms included horizontal dents indicating rank. (PIC episode: "Penance")
Ships in the Confederation corps were named after notable figures, among other concepts. (PIC episodes: "Penance", "Assimilation")
Their name was prefixed with CSS, and they had NCC registry numbers. The CSS World Razer was known for the conquests achieved by its brave crew. (PIC episode: "Penance")
In the 25th century, the Confederation was embroiled in several wars and rebellions. General Sisko oversaw the Vulcan Front in the Vulcan War. The Romulan Freedom Movement had been fought in the past. The Dominion Alliance was a current enemy. Five species, including Andorians and Vulcans, orchestrated uprisings and a celebratory terrorist act in Okinawa on Earth. (PIC episode: "Penance")
The Confederation of Earth arose from a change in the timeline caused by Q in Los Angeles in the year 2024. Q offered the early 21st century geneticist, Adam Soong, a 'cure' to the condition of his 'daughters' in exchange for Adam removing an obstacle, Renee Picard. How Adam Soong carried out this task is not known as Q's own tampering was latter by the Borg Queen tampered with further possibly derailing events that created the original Confederation of Earth's timeline experienced by Jean Luc Picard of the prime universe. What ever the means, Renee Picard did not take part in a mission to Europa that would have made a discovery capable of restoring Earth's biosphere. Due to this the years that followed where worse than those of the prime timeline. Adam Soong's genetic work had revolved around the creation of artificial Humans who typically only lived for hours, each of which he had called a daughter. Thanks to the cure provided by Q Soong managed to create a viable artificial Human of flesh and bone through cellular fusion. As Humanity faced extinction from a worsening ecological condition on Earth it was this discovery that allowed Humanity to survive. Soong in many ways was like a father to the majority of Humans created and born in the time that followed and his efforts to keep Humanity alive paved the way for the formation of a world government years latter. The Confederation of Earth was formed with the goal of serving Human interests, with a charter that darkly mirrored that of the prime universe's Federation. The year of the Confederation's founding is unknown, but it's relations with Earth's neighbors where apparently poor from the start. While the Confederation had conquered and eradicated a number of species at least two of Earth's closest neighbors had experienced a softer treatment. The actually history of Confederate-Andorian and Confederate-Vulcan relations are not known but Vulcan was even in the late 23rd century a free polity. Some time during the Vulcan War, in which General Sisko commanded Confederate forces, General Picard personally killed Sarek on the steps of the Vulcan Science Academy. By 2401, the Confederation celebrated Eradication Days, where an enemy would be publicly defeated- specifically the last of their kind executed. This was evidently not the fate of the Vulcans as a number had been involved in Terrorist attacks in Okinawa that same year. In that year, the Borg Queen was the last Borg and meant to be executed by General Picard.
However, Q placed the minds of primary universe personnel in several key people, who immediately set upon undoing Q's temporal alteration. (PIC episode: "Penance")
Jean-Luc Picard, Seven of Nine, Cristóbal Rios, Raffaela Musiker, Agnes Jurati and Elnor escaped with the Borg Queen aboard the CSS La Sirena and performed a slingshot maneuver to the 21st century. (PIC episodes: "Penance", "Assimilation")
Appearances and references[]
- PIC episode: "The Star Gazer" (first appearance)
- PIC episode: "Penance"
- PIC episode: "Assimilation"
External link[]
- Confederation of Earth article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.