Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In an alternate reality where the Section 31 artificial intelligence Control merged with the Borg, Control Borg Queen Octahedron was a 25th century Borg starship, a Borg octahedron in Control Borg service in the 2410s decade. Its commanding officer was Control Borg Queen Tasha Yar. (STO - Kings & Queens mission: "Situation Under Control")

Service history and disposition[]

Enterprise battles octahedron

USS Enterprise-F fighting the Borg octahedron.

In the year 2411, Captains Grendat-Bex and Sela prevented Control Borg Queen Tasha Yar from assimilating the Iconian World Heart by destroying it. Yar returned to her Borg octahedron and her fleet engaged the Iconian Alliance ships and their extradimensional allies of the Aetherian Concordium and Khitomer Alliance. The octahedron was accompanied by Control spheres but came under direct attack from the USS Enterprise-F, Sela's ship. The Borg Queen kept the communications channel open during the battle. The USS Enterprise and various allied ships destroyed the Control Borg Queen Octahedron when the LSS Reskava arrived to reinforce the Allies against the Borg. (STO - Kings & Queens mission: "Situation Under Control")




Borg diamonds
Borg Collective visual designation. X892-01561X892-14666X892-15608X892-16151X892-16840X892-18416X892-18674X892-44744X892-45110X892-45163X892-46031X892-46511X892-51615X892-55468X892-56161X892-61165X892-67845X892-78616X892-78941X892-79816X892-84106X892-84168X892-86412X892-89161Borg Queen's diamondUnnamed Borg Collective visual designation.