Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In an alternate reality where the Section 31 artificial intelligence Control merged with the Borg, the Control probe was a 25th century Borg starship type, a Borg probe class in Control Borg service in the 2410s decade.

History and specifics[]

In this universe, the Control Borg were involved in a war of assimilation with the Iconian Alliance and the survivors of the galactic powers. In the year 2411, the Control Borg Queen Tasha Yar and her forces breached the Solanae Dyson Sphere, the last bastion of the Iconians. When ships from the Khitomer Alliance and Aetherian Concordium arrived there through an Iconian gateway from the primary universe, Control probes engaged them in battle. The Allies destroyed the Control probes and other Control Borg ships.

The Control probes were smaller and less powerful than the Control spheres, Assimilator-class Control assimilators and the Control Borg Queen Octahedron. (STO - Kings & Queens mission: "Situation Under Control")

Known vessels[]

  • unnamed Borg probes



Template:Borg probes

