D'Sivas was noted as the great city state on the planet Romulus.
It was noted that more visitors come to D'Sivas than any other state in the home system. Typically, these individuals come on official business to the government officers or audiences with the Emperor of the Romulan Star Empire himself. It was considered the heart and the brain of the people.
In the city exists a statue of L'Deus where he holds the D'Vatta in one hand while pointing to the stars with an inscription of his words that he shouted to the assembly before he departed into the night. Other highlights in the city include the Arena of Life and the Bay of Salvation. (FASA RPG module: The Romulans)
- The FASA material states that D'Sivas is in fact the capital of the Romulan Star Empire, however, Ki Baratan is known to be heart of the Empire in the novels.