Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Dayans were an advanced nomadic humanoid race from a pocket universe that could be accessed from Thallonian space.

History and specifics[]


The Dayans were different from other humanoids due to the fact that they had six arms and a deep blue skin tone. They also possessed a keen sense of smell and great physical strength, although not at the level of a Brikar. (NF novel: The Returned, Part 3)


The Dayans made first contact with the Federation in the year 2380 when they encountered the crew of the starship USS Excalibur-A. By that time they had already been exterminating other races for centuries and were at war with the D'myurj and the Brethren.

After convincing the crew of the Excalibur to neutralize the planetary defenses of the D'myurj homeworld, they exterminated the population of the planet and quickly turned on their newfound allies and attempted to gain entrance to the primary universe.

Although they managed to gain entrance to the primary universe, the wormhole that linked it to their pocket universe was destroyed by Soleta, who detonated her starship inside of it.

Shortly after, they tried to destroy New Thallon and the Excalibur, but they were stopped by Cwansi, who teleported away their starship and left the entire race unprotected in the void of space. Mackenzie Calhoun took the decision to leave them to die since he considered them to be a terrible threat to the Federation and the galaxy, rendering them extinct. (NF novel: The Returned, Part 3)


The Dayans were nomadic by nature and had no home planet. The entire Dayan race lived on a single ship, and they had no interest in conquest or expansion.

The Dayans were extremely nihilistic and violent. They believed that intelligent life was a plague in the universe, and devoted all their resources in the destruction and genocide of every civilization and race they encountered. (NF novel: The Returned, Part 3)


Dayan technology was extremely advanced. Their starship had a symbiotic relationship with its crew, and thanks to its bio-technological nature was able to regenerate any damage done to its frame in seconds, making it virtually indestructible.

Despite the fact that Dayans preferred to engage their opponents in hand-to-hand combat, they created extremely powerful energy weapons. The weapons of their starship were able to destroy an entire planet in minutes, and a couple of shots were all that it took to collapse the shields of a Galaxy-class explorer. (NF novel: The Returned, Part 3)

Known individuals[]


