- This page details Deanna Troi in the primary universe; for the Deanna Troi in the mirror universe see Deanna Troi (mirror); for the Deanna Troi in the First Splinter timeline ended by the Devidian temporal apocalypse, see Deanna Troi (1ST); for the Deanna Troi in all other alternate universes see Deanna Troi (alternates).
Deanna Troi is a half-Human, half-Betazoid who most famously served on the USS Enterprise-D and the USS Enterprise-E, as counselor and adviser to Captain Jean-Luc Picard. She would marry and have a child with William T. Riker as well as serve with him on the USS Titan and then on Earth.
- This character is a member of the Troi family.
- This character is a member of the Riker family.
Early life[]
Deanna Troi, the second daughter of Lwaxana and Starfleet officer, Ian Andrew Troi, was born on March 29th 2336, on the planet Betazed near Lake El-Nar. (TNG episode: "Conundrum", ST website: StarTrek.com)
A few months after Deanna's birth, her elder sister Kestra drowned in Lake El'nar chasing the family dog. (TNG episode: "Dark Page")
One of Deanna's favorite pastimes growing up was having her father, Ian, read stories to her about Earth's ancient west era and singing songs of the era. Deanna's favorite books were in the Cowboy Ralph series, written by an author named Ernest Pratt and her favorite song was Down in the Valley. Ian's nickname for Deanna was 'Durango'. The last time Deanna spoke to her father, he promised to return home with a surprise. Sadly, Ian Troi was killed in the line of duty before returning home when she was seven years of age. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible, ST website: StarTrek.com)
Troi also always longed to join a circus, but these were obsolete on Earth and had never existed on Betazed. (TNG comic: "The Rich and the Dead!")
Because Deanna was half-human, she could never be a full telepath, which she finally accepted at the age of 12 in 2348, which caused her to experience feelings of isolation and inadequacy when compared to other Betazoids. (TNG novel: Guises of the Mind) She has "limited telepathic power" in that she could read emotions "and thought patterns of other sentient lifeforms" but with no reading of actual thoughts. (TNG video game: The Transinium Challenge)
Young adulthood and early career[]
Deanna first met William T. Riker in the year 2354 at the wedding of her friend, Chandra Xerx, when Riker was temporarily assigned to Betazed. Riker actively pursued Deanna, and while the attraction was mutual, Deanna wished for Riker to mature emotionally before getting involved with him. Riker and Troi gave into their mutual passion in the Jalara Jungle after Riker rescued Deanna from a group of Sindareen raiders. At this point, Riker became Deanna's imzadi, or the first to touch her mind, soul, and body. The relationship was short-lived, as Riker tended to focus on his career and still had a roving eye for the ladies, combined with Deanna's overbearing mother. The two parted amicably, without saying "Good-Bye". (TNG novel: Imzadi)

Cadet Troi
Deanna entered Starfleet Academy in 2355. (TNG episode: "Conundrum")
Troi majored in psychology at the University of Betazed. (TNG video game: Echoes from the Past) and (TNG novel: Imzadi)
In 2358, Deanna began a four-month advanced behavioral psychology internship at Darona's prison facility for the criminally insane. During her time at the prison, Deanna studied Hent Tevren, a Betazoid psychopath who had the ability to kill telepathically. (TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)
In 2359, Troi graduated from the Academy. Later that year, she served with a senior officer named Masc. (TNG episode: "Conundrum"; ST - Tales of the Dominion War short story: "The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned")
In 2361, Deanna Troi met Will Riker at the Janaran Falls on Betazed. The two arranged to meet on Risa, six weeks later, but Riker failed to arrive. The two did not see one another until they were both posted aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. (TNG episode: "Second Chances")
In 2363, Admiral J.P. Hanson assigned Troi to the staff of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, ostensibly as a first contact specialist. Her actual role, however, was to judge the captain's mental state. Deanna immediately told the captain the truth, as she felt it would be unethical to do otherwise. She remained on his staff as both contact specialist and counselor, and aided him in dealing with his emotions concerning the Manraloth.
In late 2363, Troi was promoted to lieutenant commander. While on Vulcan during a lay over on her way to Earth for the launch of the Enterprise-D, she counseled Picard (who was on Starbase 52) when he discovered that Beverly Crusher had been assigned as Enterprise chief medical officer. Picard later surprised her when he told her he'd found his new first officer, William Riker. (TNG novel: The Buried Age)
The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[]

Lieutenant Commander Troi was assigned to the Enterprise-D as chief counselor in 2364. On the starship's first mission to Deneb IV, she was vital to Captain Picard in discovering the truth about Q and the Star-jellies captured by the Bandi. (TNG episode & novelization: Encounter at Farpoint)
In 2365, Troi had the short-lived responsibility of mother to the alien lifeform Ian Andrew Troi II. (TNG episode: "The Child")
Following Picard's assimilation by the Borg into Locutus, Troi counselled him on his traumatic experience. (TNG episode: "Family", DS9 novelization: Emissary)
In 2367, the Enterprise was assigned to transport Luss and Coridanite ambassadors to Sindar. During the mission, Deanna was poisoned by Raxatocin, administered by a Chameloid from the year 2408. However, Deanna's life was saved by the intervention of Admiral William Riker, also from 2408, who had traveled to the past to prevent Deanna's murder. (TNG novel: Imzadi)
Deanna and Dr. Crusher were then sent to help with a Zelaznan fever outbreak on the Beta Hydros Four colony. After they returned to the Enterprise, they learned that Commander Riker and his team aboard the shuttle Albert Einstein disappeared. Deanna, however, kept her hope that the ever-resourceful Riker would find a way back to them. (TNG comic: "The Flight of the Albert Einstein")
She was hesitant at first to agree with Captain Picard to return to other duties. She also agreed to help with the memorial service to them. At the memorial service, she gave a eulogy about Lt. Worf. (TNG comic: "Mourning Star")
When the Enterprise was sent help in the evacuation of Lanatos, Deana sensed that the Lanatosians were hiding something. Thus, Captain Picard sent her down there, using her Lieutenant Commander rank, to find out what they were hiding.

Deanna making first contact with the Skriiti.
As she investigated, she sensed something calling out to her. She discovered a cave and inside was a herd of telepathic Skriiti. Unfortunately, the Lanatosians tried to keep her quiet by sealing her inside the cave. (TNG comic: "Trapped")
She was eventually rescued by Lieutenant Commander Data. She along with the captain and Data, were able to convince the Lanatosians to allow the Skriiti to be taken with them. (TNG comic: "The Barrier")
After Lanatos was destroyed, Deanna and one of the Skriiti talked about her sadness about Riker and the others. When the Enterprise arrived somewhere near the Klingon border, in response to a message from the IKS Ars'Lek about a ship, she sensed that ship was filled with klingons, Romulans, humans, Benzites, and Betazoids. Riker, his team from the Einstein, and the many aliens from the ship were rescued. (TNG comic: "Homecoming")
In 2370, the Enterprise-D rendezvoused with the shuttlecraft Goddard, carrying retired Captain Montgomery Scott. Scott utilized the old logs of the original USS Enterprise and recreated the gravity slingshot that propelled the Bounty 2 back through time, with the Enterprise following. In this alternate universe, the Borg had assimilated Earth before they could develop warp drive, and were systematically assimilating the Alpha Quadrant. In addition, the Borg Queen had utilized several local species as unknowing technological farms; one such world was Narisias. One Narisian served on a ship the Enterprise encountered, the Wisdom, and Troi helped determine who she was by sensing a second presence in her mind controlling the body, so that the officer could not derail their plans. (Star Trek novel: Engines of Destiny)
Also in that year, Deanna began a romantic relationship with Lieutenant Worf. (TNG episode: "Parallels")
After attending an Academy class reunion in 2370, Deanna returned to the Enterprise and applied to take the bridge officer's test. After working hard and taking advice from Commander Riker, Troi passed the test and was promoted to full Commander. (TNG episode: "Thine Own Self")
Later that year in a surprise attack on the Enterprise Deanna received substantial injuries, cranial trauma and massive internal hemorrhaging, she only survived thanks to Worf's instinct to check on her, defying orders to report to the bridge immediately. Despite Worf's efforts, she still almost died twice in sickbay. The aggressor later attacked again, however because Deanna had survived she could sense the ship had no crew which allowed the Enterprise crew to devise a way to block it's remote controlling communications and destroy the ship. Later when Troi had returned to her quarters Worf walked in on her and Riker engaged in a pillow fight, dropping the flowers he had bought her in shock. The two were just playing as friends though and as Riker departed to go on a date he reminded them the reason he had come round in the first place was to deliver Deanna's favorite dessert per Worf's suggestion. (TNG comic: "Strategy")
Following the destruction of the Enterprise-D in mid-2371, Worf proposed to Deanna and she accepted. After the couple met Lwaxana Troi on Betazed, Deanna and Worf's son, Alexander Rozhenko, were kidnapped by Sela and Thomas Riker. Deanna and Alexander were used as leverage to force Riker to assassinate Klingon Chancellor Gowron. Troi and Alexander were later rescued by Commander Elizabeth Shelby of the USS Excalibur. Following the rescue, Deanna and Worf called off their engagement, realizing that they were too different, and that Troi still had feelings for Will Riker. (TNG novel: Triangle: Imzadi II)
The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)[]
Nearly at the end of the USS Enterprise-E's first year of service, the Borg returned and launched an attack on Earth. Although their main cube was destroyed, a Borg sphere traveled back in time to 2063 and conquered the planet there. The crew followed them back to this time and, while Picard and the majority of the crew fought the Collective in orbit, Troi accompanied an away team to the planet.
There, she played an integral role in convincing Zefram Cochrane to fulfill his destiny and achieve first contact before returning to 2373. She also got drunk with him. On stardate 50900, Captain Picard posted a log entry commending Troi for her work in convincing Cochrane in continuing with his warp flight. (TNG movie: First Contact, ST website: StarTrek.com)
In 2374, Deanna went with the Enterprise to help convince the Gorn Hegemony to join them in their fight against the Dominion. She accompanied Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher as the ruling government was undergoing a coup backed by the Black Crest. Deanna was then taken hostage by warlord Slessshh and his soldiers. After Data defeated Slessshh, she found the last of the eggs of the political caste. (TNG comic: "The Gorn Crisis")
Later that year, at the height of the Dominion War, Betazed was invaded by the Jem'Hadar. In early 2375, Deanna was part of a commando mission to free the planet. During the course of that mission, she was forced to gain the knowledge of how to use telepathic powers to kill, among other manipulative powers. Using one's powers in these ways is considered very evil by the peaceful Betazoid people. She imparted the knowledge of how to overwhelm others with emotions to her people, but kept the rest to herself. Only being a half-Betazoid, she is not a strong enough telepath to use these powers, but is the only living carrier of the knowledge of how to kill with one's mind. (TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)
Later that same year, the Enterprise diverted to the planet Ba'ku after Data disrupted a Starfleet operation there. After the android was neutralized as a threat, Troi and Picard led an away team to the planet with Dr. Crusher. There, Troi gave valuable insights on the peaceful, simple Ba'ku society. Shortly afterwards, Picard chose to defy the orders of Admiral Dougherty - a collaborator with the tyrannical Son'a - in order to save the Ba'ku, and Troi was among the staff that agreed to help him.
While Riker and La Forge fended off the Son'a in space, a team consisting of Picard, Data, Worf, Troi, and Crusher engaged their troops on the surface. The crisis was cut short when Riker destroyed the Son'a ship in the Briar Patch and Dougherty, along with Son'a leader Ru'afo, was killed in a conflict with Picard. With the threat vanquished Troi and Dr. Crusher helped the Ba'ku to return to normal.
It was during this assignment that Troi and Riker rekindled their romance. (TNG movie: Insurrection)
Other missions that Troi participated in during this year included a rendezvous with the Palami, a temporal encounter with the creator of the transporter (TNG comic: "Forgiveness"), and the rescue of Gemworld. (TNG novel: Gemworld)
In early 2378, Troi was serving on the Enterprise when the USS Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant. Troi was sent to Voyager to speak to the crew as they had been through severe trauma and had not had a counselor on the ship. She worked overtime and was told by Captain Picard to treat the situation as a "catastrophic-level" duty assignment. (VOY novel: Homecoming)
In 2379, Troi married William Riker on Earth, surrounded by her friends. She prepared to leave Captain Picard and her crewmates on the USS Enterprise-E behind, as she had chosen to accompany her husband onto the USS Titan. However, this did not occur quite as planned; the newly-married couple became embroiled in Picard's latest mission to Romulus, where the recently-appointed Praetor Shinzon had extended a hand of peace towards the Federation.
Troi was a member of the away team (comprised of Picard, Riker, Data, and Worf) that opened negotiations, but they quickly took a sinister turn. Shinzon was revealed to be a biological clone of Picard and, with the help of the Reman Viceroy, telepathically assaulted Troi. When the crew realised that Shinzon was planning to use a thalaron radiation weapon to destroy Earth, they engaged his vastly powerful flagship - the Scimitar - in battle. The Enterprise was crippled and many were killed. She was on the bridge when the Scimitar managed to breach it. Deanna was nearly blown out of her chair and sucked into space, but she managed to grip her console in time, and hung on until the force field came up.
Troi manned the helm during this crisis, and executed Picard's order to ram the ship into Shinzon's vessel. It was with Data's sacrifice, though, that Shinzon was defeated and the Scimitar destroyed. After mourning the loss of her friend, Troi finally left the Enterprise and began a fresh chapter of her life aboard Titan. (TNG movie: Nemesis)
Later life[]
In 2381, she and Riker had their first child, named Thaddeus "Thad" Troi-Riker. Troi and Riker also had a daughter, Kestra Troi-Riker named after her late sister. She and her family eventually settled on Nepenthe hoping mitigate Thad's Mendaxic neurosclerosis after Federation banned synthetic lifeforms follow the Attack on Mars. (PIC episodes: "Nepenthe", "Maps and Legends")
25th century[]
At some point in the 25th century, Deanna was a captain and supervised a team creating a new holoprogram. She also had three grandchildren. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)
Personal information[]
Deanna loved chocolate in various forms, including Ktarian chocolate puffs and chocolate ice cream. (TNG episode: "Liaisons"; VOY episode: "Life Line")
Starfleet service record[]
location | assignment | dates | rank or rate | assignment insignia | rank insignia |
Starfleet Academy | student officer | 2355-2359 | cadet | ![]() |
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Starfleet Tactical | Contact specialist at Long-range Threat Assessment and Response Division | 2363-2364 | lieutenant | ![]() | |
lieutenant commander | ![]() ![]() | ||||
USS Enterprise-D | senior counselor | 2364-2370 | |||
2370-2371 | commander | ![]() ![]() | |||
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USS Enterprise-E | 2372-2379 | ![]() | |||
USS Titan | senior counselor/diplomatic officer | 2379 onward |
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) medical personnel | ||
![]() |
Asenzi • Bond • Calloway • Chandra • Crusher • D'Airo • Faraday • Gavar • Gold • Iovino • Itoh • Johnson • Lewis • Marino • Nigata • Ogawa • Pulaski • Selar • Tanaka • Tarses • Temple • Troi | ![]() |
see also: engineering personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • operations personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed |
USS Enterprise-E medical & counseling personnel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chief medical officers | B. Crusher • Stevenson | Ship's counselors | D. Troi • T'Lana • Hegol D. | ![]() ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medical personnel | Amavia • T. Harstad • J. Jurot • B. McGlynn • Meldok • A. Mimouni • E. Neil • A. Ogawa • Ojibwa • Po • Rymond • th'Shelas • Tropp • S. Weinstein • Zseizaz | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
see also: engineering personnel • operations personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • miscellaneous • unnamed |
USS Enterprise-F personnel | ||
Frontier Day (2401) | Elizabeth Shelby • unnamed USS Enterprise-F personnel | ![]() ![]() |
25th century (from 2409) | Jirelle Kav • Kyona • Phillipa Matthias • Kirayoshi O'Brien • Savel • Va'Kel Shon • Tem Inasi • Samuel Winters | |
alternate timeline 2382-2388 | Krueger • Geordi La Forge • Tom Paris • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Deanna Troi | |
alternate timeline 2408 | Blair • Data • Hauman • Lamont • Margolin • Tucker |
USS Titan senior staff | ||||||||
commanding officer | W.T. Riker • C. Vale | executive officer | C. Vale • D. Sarai | second officer | R. Keru • Tuvok | chief counselor | D. Troi | ![]() |
diplomatic officer | D. Troi | chief engineer | N. Ledrah • X. Ra-Havreii | chief medical officer | S. Ree | chief of operations | S. Rager | |
chief science officer | Jaza N. • M. Pazlar | chief of security | R. Keru | chief tactical officer | R. Keru • Tuvok | watch officer | F. Hachesa • T. Gibruch |
External links[]
- Deanna Troi article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Deanna Troi article at the Star Trek Timelines Wiki.
- Deanna Troi article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- StarTrek.com: Troi, Deanna