Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Yeoman Deb Colotti was a female Human Starfleet crewmember serving aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the 2260s. Colotti was among the administrative personnel in the ship's command division.


In 2269, while daydreaming of shore leave, Colotti accidentally added chocolate raisin pie to the galley menu 220 times. Not only did Captain James T. Kirk not like chocolate raisin pie, but she was chewed out when the mistake was caught by her section chief, Lieutenant Davis. She had been dreaming about being Julius Caesar as he prepared to send three Roman Legions from the Roman Empire into a battle for total control of Europe.

During shore leave, she inadvertently walked into the fantasy of a crewman, becoming the object of his dreams. Awkwardly, they lived in neighboring quarters and the incident became common knowledge. (TAS - Log Three novelization: Once Upon a Planet)



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) administrative personnel
Seal of the Federation Starfleet. AndersonAtkinsAyersBarrowsBatesBrielBurnsCappaChavezColottiColtCusackDavisFerroFiggsB. FinneyFlynnGreeneGranadaHarrisHarrisHarrisonHatcherJacobJamalJaramilloJonesKartLandonLawtonLaytonLooMarionMearsMoskowitzMendezPhillipsRandReillyRossRoswindSinclairSinghSmithTakayamaTamuraTankrisThagardThompsonTraskTrianWellmanWodehouseZink USS Enterprise assignment insignia.
see also: Personnel rostercommunications personnelengineering personnelmedical personnelpilots & flight control personnelsecurity & tactical personnelsciences personnelsenior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s2260s2270s and 2280s)

