Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Deelatava was the horseshoe-shaped government administration building on Tezwa for the Tezwans, located in the capital capital city of Keelee-Kee. In 2379, it was the target of an attack from a hybrid plasma-photon charge small enough to fit into a briefcase, killing several Starfleet aid workers and wounding many others, including Ambassador Lagan Serra and USS Enterprise-E Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge. (TNG novels: A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal)

Although the attack was attributed to elininae insurgents loyal to deposed Prime Minister Kinchawn, dialogue from Section 31 agent L'Haan suggests it may been the efforts of other groups, potentially including the trinae.
Seats of Government
Palais de la Concorde (UFP) | Great Hall (KE) | Hall of State (RSE) | Tower of Commerce (FA) | Illantava (Tezwa) | Trill Senate Tower (Trill [UFP]) | Presidential Palace (Enoch VII) | Presidential Palace (Treva) | Anwol Kaht (TC)