Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The dejebbit was a currency of the Orion civilization.

The dejebbit was an unreliable currency prone to counterfeiting, but was commonly used as small change in illegal transactions. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: The Original Series Core Game Book)

In the mirror universe, it was backed by ludugial gold, and was a popular unit of exchange between the Klingon darsek, the Cardassian lek, the Romulan t'chak and the Terran Empire's credit. (Decipher RPG module: Through a Glass, Darkly)

One dejebbit was equal to 0.1 credit, or 0.1 of a slip of ludugial gold. (Decipher RPG module: Through a Glass, Darkly)

An evening with an Orion slave girl was worth 5000 dejebbits, while a one-year lease cost 1,250,000 and a full purchase cost 5,000,000. (Decipher RPG module: Through a Glass, Darkly)


Types of currency
materials acta crystalgolddiamondlatinumludugial goldsilverOrion energy orb
units bilbokcentcreditdarsekdecimdejebbitdirakdollardroknaducatdukorenergygalorine credit slipHuchileckernklon peaglaertian dinarleklitanotch-rockprime transfer authorityquatloosaktosousstellorszekett'chaktalontri-esta