- For other uses, see Demon.
A demon was a supernatural being of evil.
The Furies were the basis for demon legends on many worlds, including Earth and Qo'noS. (TOS - Invasion! novel: First Strike)
Among the Earth cultures which believed in demons were Japan (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter) and India. (TOS - The Eugenics Wars novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)
The Kinshaya called the Klingons demons. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)
Lwaxana Troi, in a habit of mispronouncing things, referred to Tog as "Demon Tog", rather than stating his correct rank as DaiMon. (TNG episode: "Ménage à Troi")
The Grand Inquisitor of a medieval planet believed that the USS Enterprise landing party who had come to their planet were demons in service to the Dark One. (TOS comic: "Day of the Inquisitors")
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External links[]
- Demon article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Demon article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.