The Denorios Belt was a torus-shaped charged plasma field located in the Bajor system. (DS9 episode: "Emissary")
Its location in the system was between the planets Bajor VIII and Bajor XI (at impulse power, the trip is approximately three hours between Bajor and the belt, three hundred million kilometers).
Some qualities of the Denorios Belt include neutrino disturbances (characterized as "severe") and tachyon eddies (among others qualities). (Last Unicorn RPG module: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Narrator's Toolkit; DS9 video game: The Fallen)
Five of the Bajoran Orbs were found in the belt, including the Orb of Memory. (DS9 episode: "Emissary"; DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One)
For many years, the Belt was prone to severe neutrino disturbances in a localized area without explanation. In 2337, a vessel of unknown origin, carrying Odo, a member of a previously unencountered species, was discovered there. These incidents were explained in 2369 when the first stable wormhole was discovered in the belt. Shortly after the space station Deep Space 9 was moved from Bajor's orbit to a position in the Belt, 20,000 kilometers from the wormhole. (DS9 episode: "Emissary")
There were asteroids in the Denorios Belt. (DS9 novel: Proud Helios)
In 2374, the crew of the Bajoran research vessel Ke'el Tul had been assigned to find a way to control the tachyon particles in the Belt, but she was destroyed by the Grigari. (DS9 video game: The Fallen)
Lieutenant Nog and Ensign Thirishar ch'Thane theorized that tachyon eddies from the Belt combined with certain noble gases disrupted the formation of Iconian Gateways; this later proved not to be the case. (DS9 - Gateways novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)
Bajor system | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
orbital landmarks (planets, planetoids, moons & asteroids): | B'hava'el (primary) • Bajor I • Bajor II • Bajor III • Bajor IV • Bajor V • Bajor VI • VII. Bajor (Baraddo/The Prodigal • Derna • Endalla • Jeraddo • Ostratus • Penraddo) • Cajara (Empok Nor) • Denorios Belt (Bajoran wormhole • Construction support station 173 • Deep Space 9 • Deep Space 9 (II)) • VIII. Andros (2 moons) • Bajor IX • Bajor X • XI. Ba'Syladon (Syladdo • 3 other moons) • Bajor XII • Bajor XIII • Bajor XIV • Tiljara (Comet Alpha) |
External link[]
- Denorios Belt article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.