The Detapa Council of the Cardassian Union, also known as the Citizens Council, was the civilian governing body of the Cardassian Union until some point before 2385, by which point the Assembly had replaced it.
In times past, the Council theoretically controlled Cardassian Central Command and the Obsidian Order, but in reality Central Command and the Order controlled the Union and the Council had very little power. There are eleven seats on the Council. (DS9 episodes: "Defiant", "The Way of the Warrior")
The council was originally formed in 1870. (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)
By the year 2371, the Citizens Council was a puppet position that was subservient to the wishes of the Gul-tar and the Cardassian military. (DS9 novel: Objective: Bajor)
In 2372, shortly after the fall of the Order, the Council overthrew Central Command and established control over the government. When the Klingon Empire invaded Cardassia, the Council was evacuated and given temporary shelter aboard Deep Space 9. (DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior")
By 2389, Elim Garak was a member of the Council. While being interviewed by reporter Jake Sisko, Garak expressed hope that the Council would not revert to the pure military ways that were used by the Cardassian Union in the past. He was also cryptic regarding the six ships the Detapa Council had sent to help the United Federation of Planets in Romulan relief efforts. (ST website: The Path to 2409)
First Splinter timeline[]
Due to the continuous political upheaval affecting Cardassia Prime (the brief civilian rule under Meya Rejal, the tyranny of Gul Dukat and the Dominion, the Fire, and so on, the formal title for the head of the Detapa Council varied. Previous titles used by the Cardassian head of government have been First Speaker and Chief Executor. The title utilised from the rule of Alon Ghemor was the Castellan, although the Castellan was not a member of the later Assembly, so may not have been a member of the Detapa Council. (DS9 novel: Cardassia: The Lotus Flower, DS9 novel: The Never-Ending Sacrifice, The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow, DS9 novel: Enigma Tales)
In August 2382, the Detapa Council was expected by President Nanietta Bacco of the Federation to endorse the Cardassian Union's entry into the Khitomer Accords. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night)
By 2385, in the months before the end of Castellan Ranek Garan's term, the Detapa Council had been fully replaced as the parliamentary body of the Cardassian government. Instead, it had been supplanted by the Cardassian Assembly, where democratically-elected assembly persons represented different regions of the Cardassian Union and were united into different parties. Garak's companion Kelas Parmak considered the Assembly in 2388 to be one of the triumphs of the reconstruction of Cardassia. (The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow, DS9 novel: Enigma Tales)
Legislatures | |
Interstellar states | Detapa Council, Assembly (Cardassian Union) • Economic Congress of Advisors (Ferengi Alliance) • Federation Council • Klingon High Council • Imperial Senate, Praetorate, Tricameron (Romulan Star Empire) • Organian Council of Elders |
Federation members | Parliament Andoria • Chamber of Ministers (Bajor) • Quorum of Bole (Bolarus) • United Earth Parliament • Martian Parliament • Zamestaad (Mestiko) • Triexian Curia (Triex) • Trill Senate • Grand Moot (Vissia Prime) • Vulcan Council |
External link[]
- Detapa Council article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.