Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A diamond was a precious gemstone, a crystal resulting from geologically-stressed carbon common on many planets, including Earth.

In the year 1930, James T. Kirk suggested to Spock that diamonds would be just as easy to come by as platinum to the moneyless time travelers. (TOS - Star Trek 2 novelization: The City on the Edge of Forever)

Vulcan scientists studying the surviving piece of the exploded star Doona discovered that it was ten times harder than diamond. (TOS comic: "When Planets Collide")

Types of diamonds[]

  • Falangian diamond
  • harmonic diamond
  • Kibberian fire diamond
  • Koladan diamond
  • Terellian diamond


See also[]


Types of currency
materials acta crystalgolddiamondlatinumludugial goldsilverOrion energy orb
units bilbokcentcreditdarsekdecimdejebbitdirakdollardroknaducatdukorenergygalorine credit slipHuchileckernklon peaglaertian dinarleklitanotch-rockprime transfer authorityquatloosaktosousstellorszekett'chaktalontri-esta

External links[]
