Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Cardassian Union insignia image.

The Diplomatic Service building is a location in Cardassia City where the Cardassian Union's diplomatic body is based. It is near the Hall of Records.

In the 2350s, Elim Garak travelled to the Diplomatic Service building (as Alardig Ra'orn) to begin his undercover assignment to Tohvun III. (DS9 novel: A Stitch in Time)



the planet Cardassia
cities and settlements AndakArinakDelratDravFanehr CityCardassia City (Akleen SectorBarvonok SectorCoranum SectorImperial PlazaMunda'ar SectorNorth TorrPaldar SectorTarlak SectorTorr SectorVictory Square) • CemetCorvonCulatLakarian CityLakatPogar CityPra MenkarSenmirTellel Cardassian icon image.
landmarks and institutions Akleen MemorialBamarren Institute for State IntelligenceBavroma spaceportBoltar War MemorialCentral RecordsCentral UniversityCitadelCoranum TunnelUniversity of CulatDiplomatic Service buildingDominion HeadquartersHall of RecordsImperial Parade GroundsInstitute for State PolicyKrendaleeMador BaseMaklar PrisonMekisar military baseOkundek Medical FacilityPra Menkar UniversityPrimus TheaterRebron ArenaSetkar BaseState Museum of Natural HistorySurjadaTemple of OraliusTiluvus GalleryTozhat MemorialVeterans' BridgeVinculum
nations and provinces Arawak ColonyKingdom of Klu'haaLorikalMorfan ProvincePerokRogarin Province
continents EheenElarKranessNokarSouth ForbellaToleen
geography Ba'aten PeninsulaColaxa PlainDroneth MountainsEastwall MountainsGirav MountainsHelta HighlandsKelden MountainsLoo WessMekar WildernessOpuuya Mountain RangeRetlak MountainsTellel BasinValley of the HebitiansVorcal Mountains
bodies of water Bay of KinarKriil OceanLake MasadMargat SeaMorfan Sea
flora and fauna aramanthbrangwacankaCardassian rosecarocieltagettlegutfishidajaiscaithian treeleyiklitiklondubmeklameya lilynarawaknhemenionyx beetleplaktarredratregnarregovariding houndscottrilsleg corgantaspartoj'lathurallutoxavolewompat