Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A direach.

The direach was a monsterous lifeform from Scottish folklore.

History and specifics[]

The direach was one of several frightening creatures that Montgomery Scott learned about in childhood.

In the year 2273, a manifestation of a direach was drawn from Scott's memories to attack him and others aboard the starship USS Enterprise. It appeared in sickbay, grabbing Leonard McCoy by the throat. It resisted Spock's Vulcan nerve pinch and struck him to the ground. Phaser beams reflected off of it, and it landed on Scott's back. James T. Kirk tried to pry it off of him, and they tussled before the creature vanished.

The manifestation was a subconscious creation of Andrea Manning, though she had no idea that she had the capability of making fictional characters come to life. (TOS comic: "... Like a Woman Scorned!")



The direach was depicted as a boobrie in the story. It did not resemble the one-armed cyclops-monster known as a direach or fachan in Gaelic folklore.

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