Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Timeline of events Dominion War was an interstellar conflict which raged across the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant from the year 2373 until 2375.


stardate 50564.2
stardate 50975.2
  • Following the arrival of a fifth convoy of Dominion ships entering the Alpha Quadrant, Starfleet orders Captain Sisko to begin plans to mine the entrance to the wormhole to stop any more Dominion reinforcements. DS9's engineering teams eventually develop self-replicating mines with each mine creating a replacement if one was destroyed.
  • Weyoun is despatched to DS9 to arrange an agreement with Captain Sisko, but it is only a stalling measure as a large Dominion fleet is detected heading for the station. With Starfleet planning an assault on the shipyards on Torros III, Sisko is left to defend the station with the Defiant and the IKS Rotarran. Once the fleet arrives, DS9 buys time for the Defiant so that all of the mines could be laid. Once this is achieved all Starfleet personnel are evacuated from the station. Shortly after, Dukat assumes command once again and renames the station, Terok Nor. (DS9 episode: "Call to Arms")


  • The war goes badly for the Federation and the Klingons. Starfleet sends Captain Sisko and his crew on a mission using a captured Dominion ship to destroy a ketracel-white facility. The mission is successful, but damage to the ship’s warp drive leaves the crew stuck in Cardassian space. (DS9 episode: "A Time to Stand")
  • On the occupied Deep Space 9, Kira convinces Odo that Weyoun’s view of Odo as a god will serve as a bulwark to Dukat’s decisions. (DS9 episode: "A Time to Stand")
  • Sisko’s ship crashes on a planet where a Jem’Hadar crew are similarly stranded. The Vorta commander Keevan has limited ketracel-white remaining, without which the Jem’Hadar will kill him, Sisko and his crew and then each other. Keevan gives Sisko the details of a Jem’Hadar attack on their position. Despite Sisko revealing this to the First, Remata’Klan, the Jem’Hadar follow Keevan’s orders and are killed. (DS9 episode: "Rocks and Shoals")


