Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A Dreman aboard the USS Enterprise.

The Dremans are a humanoid civilization, native to the planet Drema IV. They are characterized by their dark orange skin, enlarged foreheads and long fingers. They were a pre-warp civilization, and thus under the protection of the Prime Directive. (TNG episode: "Pen Pals")

Nevertheless, the Dremans had developed advanced weapons technology, based upon their experience with tectonic activity and electrical storms. Drema IV contained extensive Dilithium deposits. This Dilithium was laid down in an unusual lattice arrangement in the planet's crust. This led to almost constant seismic upheaval and violent electrical storms. This explains why some of the Dreman's earliest technology was devoted to the physics of ionised plasmas; their planet was effectively a natural electromagnetic and plasma physics laboratory. The Sith Har order of assassins, about which little is known, manufactured the powerful Sith Har Blaster based upon this knowledge. This was exported to other species, suggesting that at least the Sith Har had the ability to contact spacefaring civilizations. It was suspected that the Sith Har were based on Drema IV itself. (TNG video game: Klingon Honor Guard)



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