Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Dromias.

The Dromias was a 25th century Undine bioship, a tier 5-rated Dromias-class bio-cruiser in service in fluidic space and the Milky Way Galaxy of the primary universe in the 2400s and 2410s decades. (STO website: A New Accord: Undine Lock Box and Lobi Store Ships)

History and specifications[]

The Dromias was an Undine bioship equipped with the fluidic conduit projector. This special weapon allowed the Dromias to bring bubbles of fluidic space into the primary universe, which hindered and damaged hostile targets. In the year 2409, the Dromias, alongside the bioship Nicor, was acquired by the fledgling alliance between the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire and Romulan Republic. (STO website: A New Accord: Undine Lock Box and Lobi Store Ships)

From 2410 onwards, flag officers of the Khitomer Alliance could deploy the Dromias alongside other spacecraft for assignments across the galaxy's quadrants as part of Operation: Delta Rising's four-quadrant strategy. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Admiralty System")



Dromias-class bioship cruisers
Species 8472 logo icon image. DromiasunnamedKiwavi-subclass: Kiwavi Undine logo icon image.