In an alternate reality, Durla is a planet located in the Milky Way Galaxy, the homeworld of a humanoid civilization known as the Durlans. By this reality's 30th century, Durla was allied with the United Planets.
As a natural adaptation, the Durlans were possessed of a shapeshifting ability. Durla was the birthplace of Chameleon Boy, a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. (TOS - Legion of Super-Heroes comic: "Issue 1")
- The Legion's universe became crossed with the Star Trek universe due to a time distortion, so it is not clear if there is a Star Trek universe version of Durla as a counterpart to Chameleon Boy's homeworld depicted in the Legion series.
External link[]
- Durla article at DC Comics Database, the DC Comics wiki.
- Durla article at Legion of Super-Heroes Wiki, the Wikia for Legion sources.
- Durla article at Green Lantern Wiki, the Wikia for Green Lantern sources.