E. Simmons was a 23rd century Human, an enlisted Starfleet crewperson in the 2270s or 2280s decade.
Simmons was born on reference stardate 1/90 and became a talented helmsman.
On stardate 2/18, Simmons served in the helm and weaponry department aboard the Federation starship USS Arkadelphia under the command of Captain Ian Vellacora. Vellacora was impressed enough to offer Simmons a position on his personal command staff, which Simmons welcomed eagerly.
During the ship's first mission to the border of the Asparax Confederation, Vellacora came to believe that a Federation invasion was imminent and diverted the ship toward a suicidal confrontation with Klingon forces. At the beginning of the emergency, Simmons was on duty. (FASA RPG module: Decision at Midnight)
In the game statistics, Simmons was given a 95% loyalty rating, making it extremely unlikely that a die roll would side Simmons with mutineers and assist them in relieving Captain Vellacora of command.
Simmons's name was spelled Simons on the crew table.