Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Eclipse.

An eclipse is an astronomical event during which a celestial body is temporarily obscured.

History and specifics[]

Thousands of years ago, prior to putting most of their race in suspended animation to survive an ice age, Nauians on Pollux V programmed their sonambutron to revive them after the next eclipse. Unfortunately, the planet's moon shattered, and the eclipse never came. (TOS video game: 25th Anniversary mission: "Demon World")

In the year 2218, a solar storm erupted during a solar eclipse on Earth, creating dramatic views of Sol's corona, an event known as the Fireball Eclipse. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt)

In 2270, the Federation starship USS Enterprise created an artificial eclipse over the Finder's planet using ionized gas. This cut off the main power source to Finder, an ancient probe. (TOS - The New Voyages 2 short story: "The Patient Parasites")

In 2356, when Rinax was devastated by a metreon cascade, when viewed from Talax it resembled an eclipse in that it turned completely dark and could only be seen in faint outline. (VOY novel: Pathways)


