Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Ejyowaw-class starbases were massive Klingon battle stations. Each served as the center of a Klingon fleet in a sector of space, coordinating its actions in that sector.

The station can build both construction ships and freighters. Once construction of the starbase has been completed, a variety of facilities and technologies can be built or developed, including dilithium refineries, sensor arrays, disruptor cannons, weapons research stations, disruptor cannons, and shipyards. The starbase itself is armed with a large defensive array of disruptors. Newer models were equipped with an array of pulse phasers. (ST video games: Armada, Armada II)

Background information[]

'ejyo'waw' is the Klingon word for Starbase. Literally translated it means Starfleet Base. All Starbases in Armada II are named 'ejyo'waw followed by a number: Analogous to Starfleet Starbases.

Space station classes of the Klingons
Klingon Empire, Klingon Defense Force advanced starbaseborder starbaseBoreth Station type (outpost) • defense platformEjyowaw classfleet starbasehabitatmining stationQo'noS Station type (starport) • research stationshipyardstar fortressUnity classZenith classZha Mortas class