Minister Elazol was a male trinae Tezwan who served in the Assembly as a member of the Gatni party until his death in 2379.
Elazol was Bilok's oldest friend in the Assembly. He had served as the Minister of Intelligence, but when Prime Minister Kinchawn began systematically moving trinae out of power, he was given the new position of head of the ministry of agriculture - a move that he was extremely displeased with.
As the senior minister in the Gatni party, Elazol was among the first ministers summoned to meet with Bilok after Prime Minister Kinchawn effectively entered Tezwa into a war with the Klingons by using nadion-pulse cannons to destroy ships carrying 6,000 Klingon troops. Elazol was also present at the war council that Bilok called where it was decided that they would attempt to overthrow Kinchawn and his government.
As he was traveling with Bilok through the halls of the Assembly, he was shot in the head and killed by an assassin sent by General Minza on the orders of Kinchawn. Bilok reflected that Elazol often walked faster than most others, which resulted in Elazol's untimely death instead of Bilok's. (TNG novel: A Time to Kill)