Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

An emergency holographic program was a 24th century Federation technology, a holographic artificial intelligence deployed to supplement crews in an emergency. The first of this kind was the Emergency Medical Hologram Mark I,[1] developed by Doctor Lewis Zimmerman at Jupiter Station[2], entering service in the year 2371[1]. (VOY episodes: "Caretaker", "Projections")

History and specifics[]

The Emergency Medical Hologram was first equipped on the science vessels USS Voyager[3] and USS Equinox[4]. (VOY episodes: "Relativity", "Equinox")

The emergency hologram for counseling was developed by Felix Knightly and supervised by Captain Deanna Troi in the late 24th century to supplement the existing Emergency Medical Hologram deployed on Starfleet ships, to assist with crewmembers psychological needs. The ECH was based on Knightly's holographic lounge singer Vic Fontaine, originally deployed on Deep Space 9 from 2374 for entertainment purposes. (STO novel: The Needs of the Many)

In 2381, the USS Galen was an experimental medical vessel operated by an organic crew but equipped with a range of holographic crew. (VOY episode: "Full Circle")

In 2399, the civilian speed freighter La Sirena was equipped with an Emergency Hologram basic installation. (PIC episode: "The End is the Beginning")

By 2410, holographic personnel were employed widely a starship crewmembers and carried rank aboard Khitomer Alliance vessels. (STO - Victory Is Life mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")



Emergency holographic programs
emergency holograms Command (ECH)Conn (ECH)Counseling (ECH)Engineering (EEH)Hospitality (EHH)Medical (EMH)Navigational (ENH)Tactical (ETH)Security (ESH)Security Gorn (ESG) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
related technology Emergency Hologram basic installationEmergency Medical Android (EMA)Jupiter Station Diagnostic Program Alpha-11Long-term Medical Holographic program (LMH)

