Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Epsilon Anubis derelict was an otherwise unnamed sublight spacecraft discovered in the Epsilon Anubis system in a dangerous orbit near Epsilon Anubis B, a neutron star.

Service history and disposition[]

It was powered by three fusion reactors united at a control junction. It contained a vast bridge providing a clear view of space through observation ports.

Launched in the 20th century with a humanoid crew, radiation sickness killed many of the bridge crew when the spacecraft came too close to the neutron star. Not long after, an Eloksi starship docked beside the vessel to assist, but Eloksi telepathy was so overpoweringly strong that it killed anyone they approached, igniting a war. The derelict became trapped in orbit, periodically passing close enough for X-rays and other harmful radiation to damage the hull and kill additional people as they kept fighting Eloksi over the generations.

After 300 years, life support systems maintained artificial gravity at around 0.9 Gs, but it fluctuated along with other aged systems. One reactor remained intact and could be reactivated, but it could only handle a partial power load. The ship had two operational lasers and some communications capabilities.

In 2274, the USS Enterprise discovered the derelict on a fatal approach to the neutron star. A landing party made contact with the derelict's inhabitants and convinced them their peril was genuine. It took the combination of firing the remaining fusion reactor and tractor beams from both starships to pull the derelict out of harm's way. (TOS comic: "The Savage Within")


Notable passengers[]


