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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Federation space FASA TCMP

Federation space star map.

Epsilon Minora[1], 92 Trianguli-Rho[2] or the Edoan system[2] is a star and star system, the location of planet Edos. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Game Operations; TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")

History and specifics[]

Epsilon Minora was in the portion of Federation space denoted as the Starfleet Intelligence sector 1, near Vulcan. The closest Starfleet starbase to this system in the 23rd century was Starbase 8, although there was a Starfleet Intelligence base in the system.

According to Starfleet Intelligence outpost maps, this system's coordinates are 0.51N 4.11W. (FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Game Operations)

The Edoan system contained five planets, including the Edoan homeworld Edos. (TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")

According to TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1" Edos was the second planet in the system, while according to FASA RPG module: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual: Game Operations it was the third.

Template image. This article is a stub relating to a star or star system. You can help our database by expanding on it.



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (E)
EbionEbor TorEclosionatu's DepthsEdaraEdelaEderlyn's EndEdjaraEdmoraEdoraEdrinEdrisEdvaranEgara 172EisenhowerEivoxEizebEkinusEkkoranEl AdrelElaminElamraElbaEldaraElectriElexElgardElkauronEllionEllison's StarElnonElohimElonaElsk'vethElthanElvadaElvenElvrosElysia IncendaeElzanElzbarElzibarEmbenEmilaEminiarEmkaidEmmeline's GateEmranaEm'varaEmvatraEndicorEndless MawEndraEnkothEnochEnoriEnraEnteraEntrunarEofaranEojurEphrataEpsilon 119Epsilon Anubis (Epsilon Anubis AEpsilon Anubis B) • Epsilon BallaraEpsilon BetaEpsilon CetiEpsilon DeltaEpsilon FornacisEpsilon IonisEpsilon KitajEpsilon LyraEpsilon MinoraEpsilon MirandaEpsilon SierraEpsilon SoronaEpsilon TauriEpsilon ThetaEpsilon Ursae MajorisEpsionEquessEramorErcolaErdorErebErela DaraanEremarErgolErivekErkiaEr'vadiErvikEsablEscorEsindaEskiisEssaiEss'varaEstasiEstoEstradaEstronEstrona DaraanEta SeratornEta TauriEta TrianguliEth'bernekEth'dajaEth'feraEth'kabaEth'kinaEth'molaEth'silvaEth'teoEth'varaEtlaEvadexEvaraEvekExcalbiaExona DaraanExorEye of GabrielEye of HeliaEzani Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (E) EdasichEl NathElasi PrimeEltaninEnnarEnteliorEpsilon AurigaeEpsilon BoötisEpsilon CygniEpsilon DraconisEpsilon OphiuchiEpsilon SerpentisEta CassiopeiaeEta Coronae BorealisEta DraconisEta LyraeEta OphiuchiEta SerpentisEta Ursae MajorisExoEye of Ket-Cheleb Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (E) EdenEdinovEisnEjul ThelniEpsilonEpsilon CanarisEpsilon Canis MajorisEdrenEpsilon CarinaeEpsilon CorviEpsilon EridaniEpsilon GeminorumEpsilon GruisEpsilon HydraeEpsilon Indi (Andoria) • Epsilon LibraeEpsilon MonocerotisEpsilon OrionisEpsilon PavonisEpsilon PhoenicisEpsilon ScorpiiEpsilon VirginisEta AntliaeEta Canaris / Eta Canis MajorisEta CorviEta CrucisEta EridaniEta HorologiiEta IndiEta LupiEta ScorpiiEta VirginisEye of Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.

