Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


Ewass was a female waul, a small animal of feline ancestry native to the planet Moauv. She was a pet of the Moauvian Ambassador Oavid.

Ewass was telepathic and broadcasted her emotions onto receptive humanoids.


In the year 2269, Oavid potentially used Ewass to test the character of the Federation. He had his pet shipped home to him by the USS Enterprise, a two-week trip.

Ewass had been timid and fearful when first brought on board the starship in a cage. Leonard McCoy planned to keep Ewass with their experimental animals, but en route to sickbay the latch broke. Yeoman Prentiss dove at her. She sank her claws into his left forearm, then fled down the corridor. She began radiating fear, inciting bouts of fighting among the crew. Commander Spock and several other officers were scratched while trying to capture her.

Captain James T. Kirk and Spock tried to get a net over her, but were overwhelmed by her emotions and began fighting. Shiboline M'Ress heard the commotion and, when Ewass saw her, bonded immediately with the Caitian. Kirk assigned M'Ress to take care of Ewass for the rest of the trip.

Oavid was impressed by Kirk’s multicultural crew. Kirk had scored a diplomatic victory. Oavid then revealed Ewass was pregnant and would shortly be delivering six to ten baby wauls. (TOS comic: "Passage to Moauv")


