Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

An exploration rocket was a type of auxiliary craft in service to the Federation Starfleet in the mid-2260s.


An exploration rocket was a fast, streamlined vessel with two small engine nacelles affixed to the hull by tapered support pylons. A main hatch was installed on the starboard side, but it also had an emergency pilot ejection hatch and three forward observation port windows. It was lightly armed, not equipped for major combat. The cockpit was approximately 8.5 ft. long, 5.5 ft. wide and 5.5 ft. tall, with room for 1 pilot and 2 passengers. It was sometimes referred to generically as a space bug, despite its clearly different configuration.

Service history[]

In 2266, Captain James T. Kirk piloted a silver exploration rocket on a diplomatic mission. Neutral markings for Nuofo were supplied by General Ari and painted onto the hull, but when the rocket approached Nuofo airspace, Kirk's ship was immediately fired upon. The rocket's starboard nacelle was destroyed, helm controls were disabled, and Kirk was forced to eject before the ship blew up.

A second exploration rocket with a maroon-colored hull was used to rescue Kirk. Later, when Kirk launched an assault on Nuofo, this rocket was visible among the various repair wagons and space bugs engaged in aerial combat. (TOS comic: "The Third Party")

During the assault, Kirk used the term "exploration rocket" to distinguish this vehicle from space bugs. When he was aboard one, however, he referred to it as a space bug.




