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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

F-410 was a Federation-registry freighter starship drafted for auxiliary use in Starfleet service as an auxiliary carrier (AxCVA type) in the late 23rd century, circa the 2280s and/or 2290s decade.

Service history and disposition[]

In particular, F-410 had the standard 2280s-90s Federation freighter body, heavy freighter modification, equipped as a Starfleet carrier vessel during a time of military tensions. (ST video games: Starfleet Command II: Empires at War, Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates)

No history or definitive final fate is established for this vessel as its name was randomly selected for a Federation carrier on the playing field by the SFC games' software.



Federation freighters (2280s-90s)
small freighter (FSML) Bards SongMilleniumProfitsDow WatcherCharlies AngleNasdaqSmith N JonesMy Portfolio Federation icon image.
large freighter (FLRG) Money MakerTodays QuoteMarkets UpHoldIn the BankMarket MoneyColony MoversF-1376
phaser-armed small freighter (FSPh) Small FriesBatteries IncludedPostage DueEvert's JoyF-053030F-17832F-3001Oort (NCC-3804) • Hawking (NCC-3805)
drone-armed small freighter (FSDr) No ChangePickEmUpGross DetailsF-120101F-4562F-7740Copernicus (NCC-3815) • Keppler (NCC-3816)
phaser-armed large freighter (FLPh) CapitalismExchange of GoodsBanksismEuroF-240F-52F-256F-034590Wolf (NCC-3834) • Newton (NCC-3822)
drone-armed large freighter (FLDr) Merchant of VenusLarge FreighterTitle InsideFederation-ExF-41232F-2001F-128F-090828Galilei (NCC-3808)
auxiliary light carrier (F-AxCVL) F-301F-302F-303F-304F-305F-306F-307F-308F-309F-310 Starfleet icon image.
auxiliary carrier (F-AxCVA) F-401F-402F-403F-404F-405F-406F-407F-408F-409F-410
small Q-ship (FQS) SS Mortgage PaymentSS Hired RunsSS Golden NuggetsF-040598F-1024F-100100SS Ptolemy (NCC-3801)
large Q-ship (FQL) SS Cancelled CheckSS Trust No OneSS Elevator UpF-010597F-007SS F-PiSS Cassini (NCC-3824) • SS Messier (NCC-3830) • SS Halley (NCC-3833)

Appearances and references[]

