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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Nagus.

The FMS Nagus was a 25th century Ferengi starship, the tier 6-rated Nagus-class marauder prototype in Ferengi Alliance service by the 2400s decade. The Nagus and its class were sold by a wholly owned subsidiary of Quark Enterprises, Inc., the Lobi Crystal Consortium. (STO - Escalation mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

Service history and disposition[]

FMS Nagus 2409

The Nagus clad in "Latinum Plate".

FMS Nagus at Drozana

At Drozana Station, circa 2409.

Nagus Type 4

Admiralty System schematic of the Nagus.

FMS[4] Nagus was designed by the Lobi Crystal Consortium as a pinnacle of luxury and performance. This ship was built to satisfy specifications set by Grand Nagus Rom and to provide both comfort and security. Onboard facilities included a Dabo table, bank and exchange access. The crew included a freelance contact of the Ferengi Trade Alliance. In the year 2409, the Nagus' ship was fitted with the latest technology. The Nagus was an evolution of the 24th century D'Kora-class. Both vessel types were rated as marauder, a hybrid battlecruiser and freighter class of Ferengi design. Rom's ship was the first vessel equipped with the Battle Module 4000. This battle module was an improved variant of the Battle Module 3000 and allowed the Nagus to enter marauder battle mode and to weaponize an EMP. (STO - Escalation mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

At one point, the Nagus was configured with the Latinum Plate hull material, which gave the ship a gold- or latinum-like sheen. (STO - Unparalleled mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

The Nagus visited Drozana Station, a Ferengi-operated space station that had been constructed as a Federation base in the 23rd century. (STO website: Escalation: Win a Cabin on the Star Trek Cruise 2, and a Legendary Starship!)

From 2410 onwards, flag officers of the Khitomer Alliance could deploy the Nagus alongside other spacecraft for assignments across the galaxy's quadrants as part of Operation: Delta Rising's four-quadrant strategy. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Admiralty System")

The Nagus represented its class on the shipyards interfaces operated by New Romulus Shipyards, Klingon Defense Force Order of Builders and Starfleet Shipyards Operations at Alliance facilities across the Milky Way Galaxy. (STO - Refractions missions: "Explore the Flotilla", "The Hunt is On", "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

The Quark-class and its prototype, the FMS Quark, launched in 2411, were a variant of the D'Kora class based on the Nagus. (STO - Legacy mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")




D'Kora-class marauders
standard armored transport configuration (Damsel) • D'kora • (Leveraged Buyout) • BraktelDomuKraalorKramoraKraytonKreechtaMroxorQartumTogramZedavaton Emblem of the Ferengi Alliance.
battleship configuration (Abundance) • (Acquisition) • (Actuary) • (Affidavit) • (Affluence) • (Allotment) • (Amortize) • Andrion • (Annex) • (Annuity) • (Appraiser) • (Arbitrage) • (Arbitration) • (Arrears) • (Assay) • (Assessor) • (Auditor) • (Avarice) • (Capitalist) • (Client) • (Commerce) • (Commission) • (Company) • (Compound) • (Contrarian) • (Contribution) • (Credit) • (Merchant) • (Merger) • (Negotiator) • (Notary)
scavenger configuration AdeelAlltierAroon-6845AsinAvoniaChulebasCimmakralDalionDeyerGarvanHartanHnandil-7Idjos-MianKarlukKeechvarKekronKimel-MiromKorrKraytonKreechtaMes-VatraPerko-368PreekonRibrutSalvu-EtenTadiniaTenytTinnarrUsotrooVarkartWaraleZarlax
other variant configurations KrannekKurdonNandiNeemis • (Shadow's Folly) • Trulluxunnamed D'Kora-class starships
class variants Nagus-subclass: NagusQuark-subclass: Quark

Appearances and references[]


External links[]
