Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Federation defense platform was a class of space station used by Starfleet in the 24th century.

Defense platforms were small armed space stations linked to a starbase's weapons systems, providing additional defense in a given star system.

Their structure resembled that of Sigma class stations but they were much smaller in size. (ST video game: Infinite)

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Space station classes of the Federation and Starfleet
Named classes E-classFleet StarbaseFrontier-classHelios-classK-classManheim Temporal Research FacilityNor-classR1-class (R1 Administrator-classR1 Artisan-classR1 Informant-classR1 Investigator-classR1 Invictus-class) • Sierra-classSigma-classStrongpoint-classUnity-classWatchtower-classZenith-class {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Other types

Construction support stationMining Station 27 typeMcKinley typeSpacedock typeStarbase G4 typeunnamed

general type

Federation advanced starbaseFederation advanced shipyardFederation defense platformFederation habitatFederation mining stationFederation orbital processing facilityFederation phaser turretFederation relay stationFederation research facilityFederation temporal research facilityFederation sensor platformFederation science stationFederation shipyardFederation starbaseFederation torpedo turretFederation trading stationfleet stationVulcan research institute
