This Federation medium cruiser type was a medium cruiser variant of the Excelsior-class starship design which entered service in the Federation Starfleet in the 24th century.[1]
History and specifications[]
This type of medium cruiser starship was in service to the Federation Starfleet during the late 24th century, and bore a resemblance to the Excelsior-class heavy cruisers that entered service in the 23rd century.
These variant ships were 288.33 meters in length, 173.98 meters in width and 74.85 meters tall. This type of medium cruiser massed 660,000 metric tons and was normally staffed by 275 officers and crew. With a 1,500+ cochrane unit warp core feeding three warp nacelle and one impulse engine module, these vessels could maintain a maximum speed of Warp 9.6 for 12 hours. Armament on these ships included 8 type-IX phaser emitters; 2 photon torpedo launchers, with defenses of standard deflector shields.
Ships of this type were constructed from surplus equipment at the ASDB Integration Facility at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in the Sol system. Vessels of this modification saw action during the Dominion War in the mid-2370s decade. (DS9 reference: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual)