Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Firaz was a star system located in the Federation in the Alpha or the Beta Quadrant. The system was quarantined as ships and visitors often mysteriously disappeared here.

Its system was home to a number of planets. Firaz III, or Rex Dacut, was the only Class M world.

During the Four Years War (reference stardates 1/94–1/98, c. 2250s), a major space battle occurred between Federation and Klingon Empire forces over Rex Dacut.

Reports showed that at least four Klingon ships had entered the Firaz system at one time or another; however, none were ever seen to leave. Orbital surveys made of Rex Dacut after the war found what might be two crash sites from the Klingon ships or, at least, their command pods, but there was no sign of any survivors. At least three landing parties, some Starfleet, attempted to survey and explore the planet's surface, but each disappeared without a trace.

Starfleet placed a beacon marking the whole system as prohibited, forbidding approach for any reason, including emergency landings. Nevertheless, a ship was lost in the area at least once a year, likely containing prospectors seeking the resources of Rex Dacut described by old Orion records, and not checking the modern Starfleet ones. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (F)
FabaraFabrini GreenFaleranFamidexFan'pekFar PelFaradexFaralosFaridexFarvionFearless MawFedmeraFeeniks-DennFeiljiFelaraFeldaFelianFelis Black HoleFellionFem'pekFen DaraanFeniraFentonFenraFeraFerellaFerinFerranaFerrariaFeruulonFev'TokFfolksFGC-351772Fi DaraanFidiraFilosFiltraFinchFindraFiniraFin'taraFinibusFinneasFioneranFiraFiradFirazFirimarFir'mekFisherFlarsetFletcherFloeFlor DaraanFloriFoladanFolnarFoloraFongFonnamThe Forever NightFormaForonFortenueFoxenFradonFragurothFratarFredricksonFrigisF'rhircchFriefraFrunalian systemFuh'RhudFulaxFul'mekFurionFuurd the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (F) FariusFellebiaFelussusFerasaFesariusFGC-611FGC-38919Fomalhaut the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (F) Fang'korFarlornFGC 62-24-GammaFGC 82659FGC J25FGC SR37-758FibonaForcasFornax the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.