Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

First Contact Day was a holiday celebrated in the Federation on April 5, marking the anniversaries of the flight of the Phoenix and of first contact between Humans and Vulcans in 2063.

While not a major holiday, Naomi Wildman and Neelix planned an elaborate celebration aboard the USS Voyager in 2377, including cheese pierogies, rock and roll music, and a reenactment of the historic first contact by Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. The day often meant a day off from school for Federation youth. (VOY episode: "Homestead", ST website:

On Earth, the celebration included a dramatic, crisscrossing fireworks display. (TOS novel: No Time Like the Past)

In 2381, Admiral Leonard James Akaar planned to have the USS Titan relaunched on First Contact Day, as part of a morale-boosting effort following the Borg Invasion earlier that year. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)

In 2385, First Contact Day saw a devastating attack on Mars by "rogue synths," which destroyed Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, killed over ninety-two thousand people, and left the Martian atmosphere ablaze for at least the next fourteen years. (ST episode: "Children of Mars", PIC episode: "Maps and Legends")

The holiday also shares the same date as the Day of Honor in the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic's Republic Day. (STO - The Sphere mission: "First Contact Day")



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