Fungus (plural: fungi) were a type of eukaryotic organism that included mushrooms, yeasts, and mold. Earth-based fungi were noted for sharing a large amount of DNA with humans.
Abaris natives had a fungal-based physiology. (TOS comic: "Aberration on Abaris")
On Direidi, a type of fungus was used to distill sparkling wines. (TOS novel: How Much for Just the Planet?)
Fungus could be used in the manufacturing of ketracel-white. (DS9 episode: "Statistical Probabilities")
In 2246 on Tarsus IV, seeds imported from Epsilon Sorona II interacted poorly with the soil, spawning a fungus that destroyed most of the planet's food supply. In the years following the crisis a great deal of work went in to prevent similar fungal infections from occurring elsewhere. (DSC novel: Drastic Measures)

Creeping fungus attacked the USS Enterprise.
In 2267, a planetary defense system on Graktan fired light-accelerated particles that formed a wild, creeping fungus around spacecraft that were able to live in space. The weapon forced two shuttles to crash and disabled the USS Enterprise. (TOS comic: "Creeping Death")
In 2373, Doctor Mora Pol once suggested exposing an infant Changeling to fungi in order to train it to assume different shapes. (DS9 episode: "The Begotten")
External links[]
- Fungus article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Fungus article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.