Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Gamrel was a 23rd century Klingon woman, a commissioned officer in the Klingon Defense Force.


In the 2260s decade, Gamrel served as a relief bridge crew member aboard the IKS Swift Victory under the command of Captain Koloth. Trained to be versatile, in an emergency she could take over the stations of a helmsman, navigator, communications officer, science officer, or engineer.

Koloth could assign Gamrel to landing party missions or have her assume a role aboard the IKS Death Rattle, IKS Hawk Stoops, or IKS Repentance escorts. (TOS board game: The Adventure Game)

In gameplay, Gamrel, Kerleth, or Zhokarn could be selected to replace a deceased bridge officer. Canon would later identify Swift Victory as the IKS Gr'oth.



IKS Gr'oth personnel
Bel'korGamrelGellaGrotokKerlethKestelKolothKorKoraxKovalRo'suvValaraVarozhVasakZhokarnZhukov Klingon icon image.