Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Gorn Summit was a diplomatic conference in 2370 between the Federation and the Gorn Hegemony which was an effort by Starfleet to create peaceful relations with the Gorn race as there were fears that a war might start between the two powers.

The Summit was the work of Captain Jean-Luc Picard who, in command of the USS Stargazer, attempted to forge diplomatic relations with the Gorn in 2340. After narrowly avoiding a declaration of war, Keeyah agreed to the idea of peace with Picard and the two agreed to meet once more at the conference to forge better relations between the two powers.

At the time of the Summit in 2370, a great deal of unrest occurred within Gorn society with a faction seeking to declare open war against the Federation. The situation was made even worse when Captain Picard was missing due to an interaction with an alien transporter device which got him lost in time. Luckily, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D managed to save their Captain and the ship reached the Summit where Keeyah awaited with Picard to confront their enemies head on. (TNG novel: Requiem)

Presumably, the Summit was a success which forged better relations between the Federation and the Gorn until The Gorn Crisis.