Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Grounded.


From the back cover
While answering a distress call from a scientific station in a remote part of the galaxy, the USS Enterprise becomes infected with a mysterious alien life form which feeds on and transforms inorganic materials.
The Starship begins to gradually disintegrate, and Starfleet is forced to order its evacuation and destruction to prevent the dangerous infection from spreading throughout the galaxy. It's the end of an era for Captain Picard and his crew, who are scheduled for transfers that will split them up among different Starfleet vessels.
But even as the end draws near for the Starship Enterprise, Captain Picard begins to formulate a desperate plan to save his ship and preserve his crew — a plan that will force him to defy Starfleet orders and lead him to a confrontation with a malevolent alien force which has the power to destroy the entire Federation.


The Enterprise answers a distress call from a remote science station on the planet Phaedra. On arriving, they find all the scientists dead or missing aside from the project head Doctor Adrienne Tillstrom, an old flame of Picard's, and her teenage son, Mikal: Adrienne is unconscious and Mikal is amnesiac. With nothing further to discover, the Enterprise sets off to its next assignment with the two survivors as passengers.

However, Picard and La Forge eventually discover that apparently inert mud brought on board by the rescue team is a sentient lifeform, capable of absorbing and mimicking any inorganic material. When an attempt to remove it from the ship fails, they head to Starbase 210, where the crew are evacuated bar Data, who remains in quarantine aboard the ship. Admiral Davies and his scientific adviser Doctor Chavez both want the Enterprise destroyed to prevent the infection spreading.

Mikal turns out to be under the control of the entity via a brain implant and briefly shuts down the quarantine. With Davies refusing to change the plan and evidence both that parts of the entity are loose and that it is vulnerable to fluctuations in Phaedra's magnetic field, Picard, Riker, Worf and La Forge beam aboard without authorisation to join Data in duplicating the conditions on the ship. With some small help from Penelope Winthrop, a teenager aboard the Enterprise who befriended Mikal and is able to use his link and her low-level psi-powers to distract the entity, they succeed and the entity becomes inert mud. The destruction order on the Enterprise is cancelled.



AndrewsBeverly CrusherDataDaviesLars FredricksMetrina HarcourtGeordi La ForgeMichaelsMontgomeryOblataJean-Luc PicardWilliam T. RikerAdrienne TillstromMikal TillstromDeanna TroiPenelope WinthropWorf, son of Mogh
Referenced only
Count BasieKyle RikerRo LarenTasha Yar

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Albedo (tug) • USS Enterprise-D


Xerxes Gamma (PhaedraScience Station Beta Epsilon) • Starbase 210
Referenced only
Roanoke ColonyXerxes III

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

Psychology DivisionStarfleetStarfleet MedicalUnited Federation of Planets

Science and classification[]

airalienatmosphereaurora borealiscomputerelectromagnetic fieldelectrongasgausshourion traillifeformlightmagnetospheremedical tricorderorbitoxygenpositronic brainsecondsiliconsolar windstarbasestarshiptransportertricorderVISORvolcanoyard

Ranks and titles[]

admiralcaptaincommandercommanding officercounselordoctorlieutenantNumber onepainterscientist

Other references[]

alkalisbasaltclaydistress callfloodhistorymagnesiummountainmudpaletteplanetquartersquartzrockrock quarryself destructsoultechnologyvolleyballwateryear

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published order
Previous novel:
TNG numbered novels Next novel:
The Romulan Prize
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Captain's Log: Jellico
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
A Matter of Dates
Previous Adventure:
The Romulan Prize
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Inner Light

German : Die Epidemie, translated by Horst Pukallus. (Heyne)
French : Destruction imminente, translated by Bruno Billion. (Fleuve Noir)

External link[]
