Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Gwynhyfarr were an alien spacefaring civilization in the 23rd century. Their homeworld was located in the vicinity of the Cestus system.

History and specifics[]

By the 2260s decade, the Gwynhyfarr had developed atomic warheads and warp drive, but not shields or transporters. Their culture had yet to be globally unified, and instead gathered themselves into competitive clans such as Fairprey, Kragrik, and Windhasten. Each clan served as a family unit, acting like a local governmental body but structured similar to a corporation. (TOS board game: The Adventure Game)

During gameplay, either a Federation or Klingon ship interacted with the Gwynhyfarr at Cestus III.



Gwynhyfarr were a bipedal, green-skinned avianoid reptilian species. Their 0.8 G homeworld orbited a type K4 star, was 85% covered by ocean, and had a dense atmosphere with rugged mountainous terrain. Gwynhyfarr were not particularly agile flyers. Their clans were somewhat feudal in nature. (Web and Starship Rulebook, West End Games, 1984)

Author Greg Costikyan substituted the Gwynhyfarr for the Gorn when players visited Cestus. As when Larry Niven adapted the Kzinti and Bebebebeque for Star Trek, Costikyan officially added the Web and Starship species to the Star Trek universe rather than crossing them over through an alternate reality.

External links[]
