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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see New Zealand.

The HMS New Zealand was a spacecraft, a DY-732 (N) series ship of the Human civilization launched from the planet Earth in the Sol star system in the early 22nd century, in the mid-2130s decade.

Service history and disposition[]

New Zealand was launched around the year 2135, under the command of Captain Bob Lederman, on diplomatic missions to Aldebaran and Alderaan. (TNG episode: "Up the Long Ladder")



DY series spaceships
DY-100 ships Botany BayCopernicusIbervilleLyons CreekMonticelloSalisburySan JuanSanta MariaShenandoahTerrapinWacosta Emblem of the United Earth.
DY-245 ships Hatteras DY-430 ships Urusei Yatsura
DY-500 ships ConquestCourageousHastingsHeart of the StormHokule'aLord NelsonMalaspinaMariposaSylvaniaTillerToledo SunWheelerYaconaYakima
DY-700 ships Alerica DY-732 ships New ZealandYuri Gagarin
DY-950 ships Eagle Valley DY-1200 ships Velikan

Appearances and references[]


External link[]
