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The Hamalki were an advanced arachnoid species native to Hamal IV.
A Hamalki was a meter tall and had twelve legs attached to a rounded central abdomen. The chitinous body was mostly transparent, and polished to mirror smoothness, except for needle-fine spines on top of the abdomen. The abdomen had a slender ridge on top that contained twelve eyes, giving the Hamalki 360-degree vision. Hamalki, who already had longer than normal lifespans, were able to transfer their memories into new hatchlings before death, allowing them to pursue projects over several lifetimes. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky)
Their large spider-like bodies glittered in bright light. Each leg had retractable claws, providing fine manipulation skills. Through a belly orifice, they could exude a fine crystalline web filament that could be woven into beautiful glass artworks. Their metabolism is unaffected by alcohol, but they could become intoxicated by ingesting graphite. Hamalki were hatched from spun-glass eggs.
Reproduction paralleled that of spiders in that the male could be devoured in the process. The male's death produced enzymes that triggered different DNA combinations resulting in more adaptable, stronger offspring than when the male wasn't killed. (Stardate Magazine vol. 1, Issue 5/6: "Hylan and Hamalki NPCs")
Language and culture[]
Hamalki were capable, congenial, and naturally gifted in physical sciences, architecture, and artistic skill. They were noteworthy for their transcendental science known as "creative physics".
The Hamalki language was melodious, created by shifting harmonics, mixing consonants with just one vowel. It sounded like wind chimes, particularly their laughter. Similarly, their singing was a complex interweaving of tunes and harmonies.
They had a religion: they prayed to Architectrix, a personification of their natural talents. They also believed the male parent's soul was passed on intact to his offspring. (Stardate Magazine vol. 1, Issue 5/6: "Hylan and Hamalki NPCs")
Thousands of years ago, sensor technology on Vulcan was augmented by Hamalki, revealing that the star 198 Eridani had recently collapsed into a black hole. Unfortunately, decades earlier, that system had been chosen as a potential destination for colonists who'd left Vulcan during the Sundering, and seven colony ships were caught in its gravity well and lost. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way)
Located in the Hamal system, Federation's Starbase 18 space station was built by the Hamalki and considered an excellent engineering feat. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt)
Hamalki, Sulamid, and other species known for engineering prowess interacted with the Lalairu. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: Honor Blade)
In the late 2260s, Hamalki began designing warp engine shielding for Federation starships. (Stardate Magazine vol. 1, Issue 5/6: "Hylan and Hamalki NPCs")

K't'lk (background), with Spock and James T. Kirk (foreground).
In 2275, the Hamalki scientist K't'lk created the inversion drive, which was field tested by the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk. K't'lk had been working on the drive, utilizing her species' "creative physics," for four lifetimes. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky)
In 2275, the Hamalki K's't'lk traveled to Vulcan to provide testimony on the debates for Federation membership, as most of her engineering research had been done at the Vulcan Science Academy. (TOS novel: Spock's World)
In 2285, the Hamalki physicist and professor R't'lk investigated the loss of the Constellation to a black hole and deduced that a temporal distortion was to blame. She further calculated that the temporal distortions were creating black holes at an unnatural rate, and if unchecked would accelerate the heat-death of the universe from over one trillion years in the future to within a matter of months. (TOS - The Yesterday Saga novel: Time for Yesterday)
In 2360, Curzon Dax and Nyota Uhura listened to Hamalki 3D string music on a holopad. Dax was friends with the composer. (TLE novel: Catalyst of Sorrows)
In 2371, Data referenced mathematics developed by Hamalki and Trill when defining a "locus of untoward occurrence". (TNG novel: Intellivore)
Known individuals[]
- TOS novel: The Wounded Sky
- TOS - The Yesterday Saga novel: Time for Yesterday
- TOS novel: Spock's World
- TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt
- TOS - Rihannsu novel: Honor Blade
- Stardate Magazine vol. 1, Issue 5/6: "Hylan and Hamalki NPCs"
- TNG novel: Intellivore
- TOS novel: The Romulan Way
- TLE novel: Catalyst of Sorrows
- TOS - Rihannsu novel: The Empty Chair