Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Hanchon was a Kobali military position and title, a rank in the Kobali Defense force equivalent to a commander in the Federation Starfleet and Khitomer Alliance military forces in the 2410s decade. (STO - Kobali Crisis Act I mission: "The Cavalry")

History and specifics[]

By the year 2410, Kobali Prime had been under siege by the Vaadwaur Supremacy for months. General Q'Nel deployed umare, equivalent to Alliance ensigns, alongside higher ranks to the trenches outside of Kobali City to fight the Vaadwaur invaders. Umare injured injured in the fight were treated at a medical facility inside the city. (STO - Kobali Crisis Act I mission: "The Cavalry")

The general's son appeared as an older Kobali man Jetanian held the rank of hanchon. He commanded a Kobali base in the Eastern Outskirts. (STO - Kobali Crisis Act I mission: "The Son")

Hanchon Sadalore was in charge of the Forward Base. (STO - Kobali Crisis Act II mission: "Looming Shadows")

Known hanchons[]


External link[]
